BTW: Scorpio, being a fixed sign, has very stubborn vibes, so your first reaction to an argument/disagreement is to stick to your guns and fight it out, even if you’re totally in the wrong! What goes around comes around during Mercury Retrograde, so if you’re talking sh*t or gossiping too much, whoever you’re throwing shade at will almost certainly hear about it! The same goes for you, too-if you've got haters, you can expect to have to deal with their drama by the end of the retrograde. Scorpios always know what's up, and Mercury in Scorpio ( especially when retrograde) is notorious for making you want to gossip and spread/listen to rumors, because you simply want the tea. And you should definitely make sure you double-triple-check your schedule because your time management skills are really suffering. Since Mercury governs communication, commerce, and travel, you can expect hella misunderstandings between you and your boo/squad/family/whoever and tons of missed texts/emails/phone calls.

We've all heard of Mercury Retrograde, but a quick recap on what it actually is: When a planet is retrograde, it appears to be moving backwards in the sky from our POV on Earth, and whatever area of life that planet represents becomes a little wonky and lopsided. The pressure eases off the fixed signs once Mercury enters Libra on October 23, when the air signs (Gemini and Aquarius) will begin to feel way better about the retrograde and the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) will start feeling more pressure. While Mercury is retrograding through Scorpio, the water signs (Cancer and Pisces) will be having a relatively easy time, while the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) will def be struggling. This retrograde is starting out in the fixed water sign, Scorpio, but on October 23 it retrogrades back into the cardinal air sign, Libra. This (in)famous astrological phenomenon begins in the evening of October 13, and it lasts all the way up until November 3, AKA Election Day. It’s that time of year again: Mercury Retrograde.